Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Communication

To communicate effectively, we should be able to express our ideas actively and clearly, listen carefully to the others from different backgrounds and try to understand them. From the pod-casting project, I expect to learn and look into the Japanese culture more deeply and understand the possible cultural differences. Also, we will show the importance of accepting and overcoming the differences/characteristics among individuals. For me, communication is one of the most crucial means to get to know and interact with the other people. Through communication, we can understand each other more and mature ourselves. Also, we can think or learn about the new aspects of life that we have not previously thought about.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


わたしはすきなものがたくさんあります。わたしはえいがとびじゅつがすきです。おもしろいですから。びじゅつかんへえをみにいきたいです。そしてしゃしんがすきです。(I like taking pictures.)たのしいですから。そしてわたしはおんがくがとてもすきです。ジャズとクラシックがとてもすきです。きれいですから。そしてあそびます。コンサートへいきたいです。